Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum notice period required to place an order?

For us to serve you best, a notice period of at least 24 hours is required for all orders. If you find yourself needing to place an order with less than 24 hours' notice, please contact our customer service team to see if we are able to accommodate your request. We also happily accept orders placed further in advance!

I need to place an order for early pickup tomorrow, is too late ?

Please email us at or call-us (Beverly Hills, or SAMO location), we’ll do our best to accommodate you.

Do you offer delivery services?

Absolutely! We provide local delivery services within a 6-8 mile radius from our production facility. For inquiries about special delivery rates and arrangements, please feel free to reach out to us via email or give us a call!

What is your delivery fee?

Our delivery service comes with a flat rate of $60 per delivery, irrespective of the order size. We are committed to exceptional service standards, utilizing only trained professional drivers to handle your orders.

I'm unable to select the delivery option after entering my address. What should I do?

If the delivery option is unavailable after you've entered your address, it's possible that your location falls outside our standard delivery area. Please contact us for further assistance or to discuss whether we can accommodate your delivery needs.